Maintaining your end grain chopping board

If you’ve invested a decent sum of money into your new end grain board, you’re going to want to do everything you can to prolong its life and keep it looking at its best! To achieve this, I’ve put together a few simple set of guidelines to help you along the way. Please keep in mind that every manufacturer will have their own recommendations, however this is what we have found works best in our own experience. I have had my board for years now, yes one that I made myself, and it is no secret that a bit of regular TLC goes a long way!

The first tip is the most crucial one. Understanding that timber responds to moisture in the air or on the board by moving will help you understand why this is so crucial. It is very important that the board is exposed to the same air flow on each side continuously. To achieve this, you can do either one of two things: Rest the board leaning against a wall or on its own stand on your kitchen counter when not in use, or simply add rubber feet underneath the board to raised it off the counter so that it can permanently have even air flow on both sides. This is my preferred method; my board is huge, so I have no interest in forever lifting it up to rest it against the tiles or even less the want to build a stand for it.

The next tip is still very crucial as it still relates to stopping your board from warping/ cupping as it responds to moisture. Keep nourishing it! Feeding your board with a good combination of mineral oil and beeswax is so essential to its longevity. Plenty of products are now available on the internet which are perfectly suited for this purpose. The easiest one is probably the $20 tub of Feast Watson kitchen timber wax available in the timber care section of your local Bunnings warehouse (, but honestly, any product with both ingredients will work just fine. You will most likely only need to do the working side of your board unless you tend to also wash the underside regularly. One tub will last you ages!

The ultimate test to know whether your board needs oil or not, is simply to watch how a drop of water behaves once poured onto the board. If it beads instantly without flattening out, your board is completely hydrophobic and does not need any more oil/beeswax. If you notice that it is looking dry and the water droplet flattens/ soaks into the wood, it’s time for a serious re-coat. Maintaining a regular nourishment routine will ensure that you never end up with a board that cups or bows, plus it will keep you board looking brand new!

Last but not least, please don’t put your board in the dishwasher! Hardwood is not suitable for dishwashing. When cleaning your board, simply spray it with a natural detergent spray or simply a vinegar spray, wipe it dry and let it air out!

I hope that this was helpful to all our fellow timber chopping board owners. As we continue to build and sell these, we want people to have confidence in the maintenance process so that they can keep their board forever.

Darrell Ryan


Recycled timber Combo in Mooroolbark reno!