Recycled Timber vanities
Welcoming our new evolution of recycled vanities. We have officially transitioned to making this out of 100% hardwood timber. our inner cabinetry, just like our kitchen cabinetry offerings, are now completely made from recycled hardwood. This is typically a combination of Vic Ash, Tassie Oak and Messmate. An exciting step for us to take as we are gearing ourselves towards the most ethical, sustainable and environmentally friendly way of doing business. Simultaneously, knowing that upon opening your cupboards and drawers, you will be met with the timeless beauty of timber throughout as opposed to the standard white/ black Particle board options in most other vanities and cabinets. Yes! There is so much recycled timber available to be used in new homes. And this timber would typically end up in landfill, or as kindling for firewood. What a way to minimise the environmental impact of the building industry by making new cabinetry, entirely out of recycled timber. Please take a look at these photos of the outer finished product and inner cabinet layer and get in touch with us for your next project!